What is for experts the part/portion of the metagalaxy inside the universe?
Could experts in categorization of petroleum reserves categorize reserves of matter in the universe?
How much is the metagalactic fabric fractal-manufactured (and heavy grown)?
How do injection rates (tempos) accelerate?
Do experts apportion now cluster galaxies between injection and production?
Do experts know that standard gravitational theory of petroleum accumulation has almost petered out?
Where does Wells Avenue lead to?
Will experts be stirred up like bees if one (or ones, cosmic oilers) honestly exploits the universe?
Does the universe resemble a man at 47 but manners at 27?
Is the arithmetic of three ratios (3/4, 4/7 and 3/7) complete on the whole?
What biocidal tools for oil reservoirs do exploiters use?
Do the dealings with reality worry experts?
What interesting to geologists could cosmologists report upon oil recovery?
What of human proportions could supermen know from the size of manuscripts?
Might experts decipher communications from cosmic oilers?
Which categories are physics, astrophysics and the others characterized by?
What is for a guide the oil field - deposit relationship?
What unique about the universe could geologists announce?
What is metagalactic maturation?
How do production temperature features betray themselves?
Does a guide allocate now the dark matter to black holes?
Does a guide know what ought to be a lot and what little?
Is all the world a deed or no actor needed?
Did the words CHELovek & pCHELa (man & bee) take root in Russian at random?
Is 3/5 or, rather, 4/7 the universe's scale to age ratio?
Why not write merely e, the golden section and the like for inexact values?
Is a bolide able to clean abolish biocides and unscrupulous guides to boot?
Is the universe entirely mine and yours or should a guide go about his business and we mind our own?
Is it possible for earthly and cosmic oilers to correspond - if so distant?
If extrabeings against animals: is dimension important to misunderstanding?
Is a guide aware that an alternative theory of cognition, a theory of INcognition, comes into sight?
Theory of which category must physics of the universe be?